
  1. Why is boundary necessary in language?
  2. Category theoretic mirror symmetry conjecture
  3. Derived Category Language 1
  4. Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Contents
  5. Bridge across mathematics and physics
  6. Kontsevich's conjecture Category theoretic mirror symmetry conjecture
  7. Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language
  8. Symbolic Repetition
  9. Writing Style of the Papers in 2013
  10. The days when I was thinking of Energy Distance Theory
  11. Sayama Assumption on Language
  12. Preparation for the energy of language
  13. Boundary of Words
  14. Symplectic Language Theory
  15. Energy Distance Theory Note 1 Energy and Distance
  16. The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory
  17. Portrait 1970s
  18. Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper Sixth Edition
  19. New paper compile site of Sekinan
  20. Sekinan Zoho
  21. IYANAGA Shokichi's An Introduction to Geometry. Tokyo. 1968
  22. The books on Grisha Perelman
  23. Synthesis and Reversion
  24. Three Conjectures for Dimension
  25. alive
  26. Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague
  27. Quantum-Nerve Theory With References
  28. SRFL Paper
  29. Sekinan Table. Sekinan Library
  30. Appendix
  31. Language between Sergej Karcevskij and string theory
  32. Zoho Paper
  33. Theory 2003 - 2016
  34. Theory Contents
  35. Homology Language
  36. The Days of Ideogram
  37. 23 July 2016 Edition
  38. Perhaps Return to Physics
  39. time
  40. Derived Category Language 3
  41. 25 May 2016 Edition
  42. Language stability and triangulated category
  43. About
  44. Sekinan Archive - Invitation to language universals
  45. Additional meaning and embedding
  46. Derived Category Language
  47. Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002
  48. Derived Category Language 2 Kawamata Conjecture
  49. Bridge across mathematics and physics / Revised
  50. Derived Category Language 1 Category theoretic mirror symmetry conjecture / References added
  51. Genealogical Tree
  52. Author
  53. three elements
  54. distance
  55. True-false problem of the Crete
  56. WANG Guowei
  58. Linguistic Circle of Prague
  59. CHINO Eiichi
  60. Bourbaki
  61. structure
  62. The Linguistic Circle of Prague
  63. Prague
  64. foundation
  65. Sergej Karcevskij
  66. Nicolas Bourbaki
  67. Blaise Pascal
  68. Kurt Gödel
  69. Ludwig Wittgenstein
  70. language universals
  71. Under the Dim Light
  72. SRFL
  73. Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented
  74. Reversion Theory
  75. Geometrization Language
  76. Prague Linguistic Circle
  77. Energy Distance Theory
  78. boundary
  79. change's energy
  80. change's power
  81. Pioneer
  82. Quantum Theory for Language
  83. Manuscript
  84. Soul of Language
  85. Half farewell
  86. Symplectic geometry
  87. LÉVI-STRAUSS Claude
  88. KARCEVSKIJ Sergej
  89. Distance Theory
  90. true-false problem
  91. Reversion
  92. Synthesis
  93. Dimension
  94. Three Conjectures
  95. On Time Property Inherent in Characters
  96. Loop Time of Character
  97. Andre Weil
  98. quantum
  99. Inspiration
  100. Site History

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